Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area includes 8,179 acres of wetland, upland and woodland game habitat. The property's habitat provides an ideal stopover for migratory birds. More than 10,000 sandhill cranes stop here during fall migration. Make sure you sign up for this great experience.
One of the spectacles in nature that's close by is the Sandhill Crane migration in the fall, with tens of thousands stopping at Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area near Medaryville, Indiana (NW area). During the day, the cranes feed in nearby farm fields, bugling, dancing and interacting with each other. Just before sunset, they fly into the preserve to roost, with the setting sun as a backdrop, putting on quite a show. With cooperative weather (and cranes), we should have an opportunity for some nice sunset shots. On November 19th, the sun will set at 425pm, at 244 degrees (SW). Members and guests of all experience levels, and any equipment, should be able to take some nice photos of both the bison and the cranes.
On the way to Jasper-Pulaski, we will be stopping at Kankakee Sands near Morocco, Indiana, where there is a bison herd, an overlook, and a trail (I've heard different views on the trail).
8am: Meet in the Farm and Fleet parking lot, far east end. We will be leaving promptly.
10am: Arrive at Kankakee Sands bison overlook. There are a couple gas stations on US 41 in Morocco just before Kankakee Sands
10am-1130am: Explore Kankakee Sands, from the overlook, the parking lot on US 41, and on the roads surrounding the Sands. Depending on where the bison are, distance, being a no show, and what's on the trail, we may cut this short. NOTE: Many roads have no parking signs on them, so park on the road at your own risk.
1130 pm-1230PM: Drive to Jasper Pulaski. I suggest we stop at the Subway in Medaryville to eat and have a pit stop.
1245pm: Arrive at Jasper Pulaski office to pick up permits (see below) and start exploring the area!
218pm: Moon sets at 271 degrees (W). Moon phase will be at about 25%, so moon shots may not be possible this year.
320pm: Be at the Observation Platform. If it is too crowded there are great areas to set up near there.
425pm: Sunset
All times are central time to avoid confusion. The sands and (parts) of J-P are in eastern time zone.
EQUIPMENT: As always with nature photography, longer lenses help, but don't feel discouraged if you don't have one. There should be opportunities to get great photos regardless. Tripod. Timer or shutter release for long exposure shots. Lawn chairs. We may have the chance to sit in a chair, watch the show with our camera's working nearby.