Fall salon CICCA 2019
The Central Illinois Camera Club Association is a group of 13 camera clubs located in central Illinois and eastern Iowa. Each club was permitted to submit up to 50 prints and 50 digital images in seven distinct categories in the Fall Salon event held in Sherman, IL on October 26th, 2019.
Digital images were divided into the categories: Nature, PhotoRealistic, and Altered Reality. Print categories included small and large monochrome, and small and large color. Judges viewed all prints and images, and distinguished the top third in each of the seven categories as “Accepted.” Within this top third, roughly one third ( or one ninth of the total) were awarded the status of “Honors.” In each category, the very best print or image was awarded the status of “Medallion.”
In the three digital categories, the Champaign County Camera Club had two of the top honors, or Medallion Awards. In addition, our club had seven images receiving an Honors Award, and three more received the special distinction of being Accepted.
In the print categories, the Champaign County Camera Club had one top honor, or Medallion Award. In addition, five of our club prints received an Honors Award, and four more received the distinction of being Accepted.
Judges for the fall 2019 CICCA salon were:
1). Mary Sue Rosenthal: Member of the St. Louis Camera Club for 8 years. She had a photography scholarship to the Kansas City Art Institute and studied photography at Fontbonne College.
2). Jeff Hirsch: Photographer and photo-educator with over 30 years experience. An Adobe Certified Expert in Lightroom and Photoshop.
3). Donna Parrone: Member of St. Louis Camera Club since 2010, currently serving as president of the club.